fDi Diaries

58 results

fDi Diaries: 'When you put politics and ego aside, you can do business together'

Invest in Israel aims at cooperation with its innovation ecosystem

fDi Diaries: ‘Tourism will bounce back’

Enterprise Greece chief says the agency will come out the crisis with an expanded toolbox

fDi Diaries: ‘Sustainability will be key to differentiating São Paulo’

InvestSP Wilson Mello and José Pedro Fittipaldi discuss efforts to promote green projects

fDi Diaries: ‘We expect Malawi to stage a strong economic recovery’

Felix Kadewere argues that investor confidence will be restored

fDi Diaries: ‘Attracting foreign direct investment is a contact sport’

IDA Ireland’s CEO emphasises the importance of ‘high-touch’ engagement with investors


fDi Diaries: 'Our approach has always been to become faceless and touchless'

Government-to-business interface will go digital, Guidance Tamil Nadu’s Neeraj Mittal says

fDi Diaries: 'It’s really an opportunity to highlight our resilience'

Invest Puerto Rico’s Rodrick Miller discusses the island’s resilience and spreading FDI more evenly

fDi Diaries: 'We have to be in the world of transformation'

WMGC’s Neil Rami says IPAs should be ambitious in their approach

fDi Diaries: 'We are fairly resilient people'

Investment Fiji’s Craig Strong says the island nation has the stamina to cope with Covid-19

fDi Diaries: 'The crisis reminds us we should not be dogmatic'

New ways of working will be key for west Africa, says Guinea’s Apip head
